Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday 7

Friday, November 21, 2008

More snow!

This is the first part of Meiby's first snow video. It was too cute not to post!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Too Busy Licking!

Originally uploaded by ameetek16
I'm a mean mom... I put this towel over Meiby just to bug her... but she doesn't even care! The towel got clamped on between her body and tail and she continued to walk around and lick the floor for at least 20 minutes before deciding to take notice of it. She's so funny :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Meiby's first snow

We got our first snow last night and it was a big one. There's about 6-8 inches of fluff all over. I'm not sure that she likes it much but she's so cute bounding around in it. I personally hate snow but laughing at Meiby outside makes it more enjoyable for sure! ;)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I like popcorn

I like popcorn

"Maybe if I stare at it long enough it will hop into my mouth..."

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Address! New Tricks!

As of 11-11-08 you can find Meiby's blog at (but you can still get here via too.)
Also, Meiby learned some new tricks this week. We're working on targeting, leave it, and stay. Some commands she gets very quickly so we keep at them (reinforcing the easy ones) but there are a few we've tried (and plan to come back to) that she just doesn't understand like "shake" and "roll over" but I think "targeting" will help with all of these. I'll try to get a video within the next few days.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Grump Pug

grump pug
Originally uploaded by ameetek16
As Meiby gets older and more comfortable she is developing some attitude! She gets visibly and audibly annoyed sometimes, especially at night. If we are not in bed when she wants to go to bed, she makes a nest out of my lap (or the couch arm if no lap is available.) Then, when we finally do decide to go to sleep, she gets grumpy and refuses to get off the couch and get into her bed in our room. She'll just sit there and look at us with her entitled pug stare. ...and we just laugh because it's so cute!
grump pug

Friday, November 7, 2008

Meiby's Nightly Licking

Meiby's nightly licking
Originally uploaded by ameetek16
Meiby attacks Nick with furious licking every night. She gets his head all the way around, adjusting her position as necessary... neck, ears, face, head... It doesn't matter what else is going on or if she's getting in the way of something. She has a job to do! She'll even hold or move his head around with her claws when necessary. She gets very antsy when Nick's not around at the Licking Hour.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Weekend

We had a little Halloween party this weekend. I chose not to put the Meiby in a costume (because she's already a monster ;P) but I was dressed up as Lydia from Beetlejuice. Meiby, of course, was loved and fawned over by all of our guests. She looked a little overwhelmed because everyone was standing and she couldn't see what was going on or climb into a lap and get comfortable...

meiby overwhelmed

So we took turns holding her:

nick and meiby

meiby and deana

meiby and me as lydia