Here are two examples of this pattern made with different sized yarn and hooks. The first is made of all worsted weight scrap wool, 2 strands held together and an I hook (5.5 mm). The second is all super bulky weight yarn, made with an L hook and is big enough to fit my laptop. You can use any combination of yarn and hook for this bag.

Each is done in all single crochet starting with a flat rectangle base and spiraling up along each side as follows:
CH 31
Row 1: SC in the second CH from hook and in each CH across. CH 1, turn. (30 SC)
Row 2: SC in each SC across. CH 1, turn. (30 SC)
Rows 3-6: repeat row 2. Don't CH 1 or turn after last row.
This is what you should have so far, in diagram form:
Start Spiral
Round 1: SC in the side of each SC row (6 SC), SC in bottom of each starting CH (30 SC), SC in side of each SC row (6 SC), SC in each SC along top (30 SC). You should now have 72 SC around. Don't join or turn!
Round 2: SC in next SC and in each SC around. Repeat until desired height is reached. Don't finish off yet!
Adding Handles
Once you've reached the height you'd like, lay the bag flat and mark the approximate middle of each side. Count 6 stitches (or any amount you'd like for different sized handles) away from the middle and mark those stitches.
Continue spiraling around until you get to the first marked stitch. *Skip 12 stitches (or however many you marked off) and CH 12.* SC in each SC to next marker. Repeat from * to *. Continue spiraling.
Place 12 SC in CH12 space, SC in each SC, 12 SC in next CH12 space, SC in each SC.
Continue to spiral for 2 to 5 more rows. Sl St in any 2 SC to finish OR Stop where you'd like to place a shoulder strap and don't finish off!
Adding Shoulder Strap
CH1, turn.
Row 1: SC in next 6 SC (or any amount depending on how wide you'd like your shoulder strap), CH1, turn.
Repeat row 1 until strap reaches the length you desire. Attach to opposite side of bag. Finish off.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this pattern. Free for personal use only.
Copyright 2009 - Amy Maxwell
hi amy!
oh these are fabulous! thank you for the pattern!
Thank you for sharing your pattern! I will be starting this right away! I've never crocheted a bag before in my crocheting years, so I hope this turns out
This likes a great bag!! I am going to start one right away.
Thanks for sharing the pattern.
Such an easy pattern! Fantastic! Thankyou so much for sharing. I've never done a bag before either but going to give this one a shot!
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