This is the 4th strawberry from my little pot of strawberry plants. Every morning I take the pug outside, water my plants and, if something looks tasty, share a little bite of something with her. So far it had been mostly sugar snap peas but now the strawberries are ripening and the tomatoes and peppers are about to take off. Meiby LOVES the peas and strawberries but we think she's sensitive to tomatoes and I really doubt she'll be into jalapenos.
This year, since we moved mid-growing-season, we had very limited "crops" ... just a few pea pods and usually only one strawberry at a time. Not enough to even bring them in. I would just pick and eat them straight off of the plant. I'm hoping to have a lot more tomatoes than last year though and next year I want to plant bigger tomatoes... maybe Romas. Everything is still in pots this year so I need to decide on a location for next year.