...and Happy New Year!
... did I say Treats?
I put up our tree this past weekend, for the first time in our new house and, obviously, the first time since we've had Meiby. She seems pretty unphased by it. She did try to eat the fur off the top of a stocking though. We just have a small fake tree with fiber optic lights and it's lifted off the ground so there's nothing for Meiby to get into trouble with. We only have about 8 ornaments but I'll probably get a few more this year (like this one.)
I had to try it on her a few times while making it to see where I needed to increase/decrease to make sure it would fit... and she ran away with the yarn still attached (notice the yarn is not only still attached to the sweater but it's also hooked around Meiby's tail):
I'd like to add that I'm not generally the type of person to dress up an animal... but since I like to crochet and it's getting colder outside, I thought I'd try my hand at making a warm sweater for my pup...
...don't judge me ;)
Have you ever wondered why some dogs do the head tilt? This is our theory: According to Pugs for Dummies a pug's eardrum is "located far down his neck", not right inside his/her ear. That's why we think they tilt their head when you talk to them. Pugs can't really perk up their ears so tilting their neck toward you is their way of trying to hear you better!
...well, I think the eye will be OK. The doctor didn't see any scratches or anything but they gave her 10 days worth of eye drops and pills and we'll take Meiby back in after 10 days. It doesn't seem to bother her much but she's certainly not a fan of the drops. We're still going to go to Indy tonight and just get back as early as possible tomorrow to take care of her.